Sara HopkinsFeb 6, 2019Nobody Wants to Be Homeless!One of the most common concerns I hear from my clients is “Sara, I really want to sell my house. We’re ready to move but there’s nowhere...
Sara HopkinsSep 10, 2018Your September Local GuideLabor Day marks the unofficial end to summer, but there are hopefully a few weeks left to soak in the good weather before the cold creeps...
Sara HopkinsJun 19, 2018Tour Des Moines ParksThe City of Des Moines is celebrating National Parks and Recreation month with yet another awesome activity to participate in: 31 Parks...
Sara HopkinsMar 11, 2018Des Moines Public Works - Free Tiny Trees!!Trees and other landscaping can benefit the value of your home AND help reduce your energy bill. According to the USDA Forest Service,...
Sara HopkinsFeb 2, 2018February 2018 GiveawayWe are doing a giveaway this month and it is perfect timing for a Valentines Day treat! (Or let's be honest... to use any time you want...
Sara HopkinsNov 26, 2017The Perfect TreeI love picking out and decorating the Christmas tree. It is one of the best parts of the holidays and this year I want to cut down my own...