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Sara Hopkins
Apr 19, 2023
What’s on the Horizon? Lower Housing Prices or Patient Buyers?
Anything to take advantage of the low rates has simmered. Now buyers are waiting to see what is going to happen next. The media has...

Sara Hopkins
Mar 6, 2023
What Does An Increase in Assessed Value Mean For You? (spoiler alert..its not as bad as you think!)
You may have seen the billboards around town, taxes are DUE. Each September and March your property taxes are due on your home. If you...

Sara Hopkins
Aug 10, 2022
The Housing Market is Changing But What Does That Mean?
The question I’m getting on repeat: what’s happening with the housing market? I have many things to say on this so I will try to keep...

Sara Hopkins
Aug 1, 2022
Ultimate Guide to the Iowa State Fair
As recently discovered on a totally official and highly sophisticated Instagram poll of my followers… you either love the Fair or you...

Sara Hopkins
Feb 26, 2022
New Re/Max Precision Urban Office, COMING SOON!
For more than five years now, I’ve wanted to own my own real estate brokerage. My vision for my own office has been to create the first...

Sara Hopkins
Nov 24, 2021
Shop Local Des Moines Holiday Gift Guide
It’s Time!! This is our favorite time of year to highlight the amazing community of local shops and businesses in Des Moines, Iowa. We...

Sara Hopkins
Aug 2, 2021
August 2021 Des Moines Market Update
Shout out to @simplydesmoines (Les Sulgrove) for being such a great resource to Realtors. He breaks down some pretty impressive stats 📊...

Sara Hopkins
Nov 20, 2020
Shop Local in Des Moines in 2020
This year has no doubt taken its toll on our small businesses. They need our support this holiday season, so I challenge you to consider...

Sara Hopkins
Jul 15, 2020
Support Black Owned Businesses in Des Moines
In addition to having conversations with family and friends who don’t understand why this movement is so important…another way to help...

Sara Hopkins
Apr 28, 2020
2019 - Are we headed for a crash?
This is a great start to the spring market. Despite all predictions of raising interest rates throughout 2019, rates for 30-year fixed...

Sara Hopkins
Mar 18, 2020
Creative ways to support local!
As you know, I love supporting local businesses. They are the heart of our community and what makes Des Moines such an amazing place to...

Sara Hopkins
Mar 16, 2020
How is COVID-19 affecting the Des Moines real estate market
As the world nervously watches the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), the pandemic has begun prompting responses from every industry, and...

Sara Hopkins
Feb 4, 2020
3 important things to consider if you want to buy a home
If you are considering buying a house I have three important things to focus onto considering before becoming a homeowner. 1) Know your...

Sara Hopkins
Oct 4, 2019
Old homes vs New homes
Older homes.. they’re not for everybody! I have a unique perspective as a Realtor because I sell a lot of older homes here in Des Moines....

Sara Hopkins
Jul 9, 2019
Market updates- 2nd half of 2019
Two things you need to know about what's happening in our market right now. Here's a market update: As I mentioned above- interest rates...

Sara Hopkins
Jun 11, 2019
There is More to Simply Owning Your Own Home
I posted a video a while back about quantifying the value of your home and talked about how your home’s value isn’t just a reflection of...

Sara Hopkins
Jun 11, 2019
Make your Summer Bucket List Now!
Greater Des Moines has no shortage of amazing things to do this summer and it is not too late to put together your summer bucket list. ...

Sara Hopkins
Jun 11, 2019
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Program
The City of Des Moines has several programs that are a big benefit to homeowners and definitely worth taking advantage of. Many are...

Sara Hopkins
Apr 28, 2019
Des Moines Gardening Resources
Some people are green thumbs and gardening comes natural to them and well, some people are not. (I'm in the latter category but I'm...

Sara Hopkins
Feb 20, 2019
5 Rookie Mistakes by First-Time Homebuyers
Buying your first home is a big deal. There is no doubt about that. There is a lot to consider before even beginning to search for your...
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