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Sara Hopkins
Jun 22, 2023
Do You Qualify for One of Iowa’s New Tax Exemptions?
There is a new tax exemption for Iowans 65 years or older. Iowa seniors have until July 1 to apply for a new property tax exemption that...

Sara Hopkins
Mar 30, 2023
Protesting Your Property Tax Assessment How To
So, you received your property tax assessment in the mail and you your first thought is “woah, this can’t be right. My house is not worth...

Sara Hopkins
Mar 6, 2023
What Does An Increase in Assessed Value Mean For You? (spoiler alert..its not as bad as you think!)
You may have seen the billboards around town, taxes are DUE. Each September and March your property taxes are due on your home. If you...

Sara Hopkins
Apr 12, 2022
Should you Appeal your Home Assessment?
Every odd year home value assessments are done and they have been on the rise over the last 4 years. This year values went up 7.5% on...

Sara Hopkins
Jun 11, 2019
There is More to Simply Owning Your Own Home
I posted a video a while back about quantifying the value of your home and talked about how your home’s value isn’t just a reflection of...

Sara Hopkins
Jun 11, 2019
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Program
The City of Des Moines has several programs that are a big benefit to homeowners and definitely worth taking advantage of. Many are...

Sara Hopkins
Apr 28, 2019
Des Moines Gardening Resources
Some people are green thumbs and gardening comes natural to them and well, some people are not. (I'm in the latter category but I'm...

Sara Hopkins
Apr 28, 2019
So you think you want to sell 'For Sale By Owner'? Read this first
Buying and/or selling a home can be quite the process. There are a lot of rules, regulations, and processes that you need to follow and...

Sara Hopkins
Jan 29, 2019
Declutter CRAZE!
I am not one to make resolutions but I did make one for 2019 – and that is to declutter my life. I know I am not alone in this new craze...

Sara Hopkins
Nov 28, 2018
Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal this Winter
Just because its cold and snowy outside doesn’t mean you can’t up your game and make your home an eye-catcher on the street. Also, a...

Sara Hopkins
Sep 18, 2018
Ask an Expert: Planning for Spring Flowers
Many of you may not know this but I have a plant and gardening expert on my team! My assistant, Whitney Bouma, was transitioning away...

Sara Hopkins
Jun 24, 2018
Current Design Trends
Design trends in your home can be a fickle thing. What's in one month, can quickly be out the next. But I do know that there are some...

Sara Hopkins
Mar 14, 2018
Bold Colors of 2018
Ultra Violet, Oceanside and Deep Onyx are a few of the bold colors of 2018 that will dominate. This year, designers are expecting...

Sara Hopkins
Mar 11, 2018
Des Moines Public Works - Free Tiny Trees!!
Trees and other landscaping can benefit the value of your home AND help reduce your energy bill. According to the USDA Forest Service,...

Sara Hopkins
Feb 26, 2018
Golden Oak, No Problem!
One of my regular pieces of advice to potential homebuyers when we are out searching for their new home is “don’t sweat the small stuff”....

Sara Hopkins
Feb 12, 2018
Home Improvement Projects for the Best Return on Investment
Unless you bought a brand new home, it is likely that your home could use some (or a lot of) improvements. Buying an older home is...

Sara Hopkins
Nov 14, 2017
Ready or Not, Winter is Coming
Your winter ready checklist and tips for home efficiency savings!! Ready or not…winter is coming! Get ahead of the cold and get your...
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